Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Monitoring My GAME Plan:

Now that I have developed my GAME plan and my action steps, I am focusing on monitoring my progress towards achieving the goals of my GAME plan. “The GAME plan requires you to think about and take steps to direct your learning process, specifically while learning about technology and how to integrate it into your classroom” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 3). 

My first goal: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

  • I have emailed and set up observations to observe technology enriched classrooms at the beginning of the next school year. I will be observing a sixth grade math classroom to observe the integrating of iPod Touches into the math curriculum. I will also observe a sixth grade social studies classroom to witness their integration of Quia, an online multiple choice quiz system, used as an assessment tool. I will observe the eighth grade math and social studies to see how they use technology to analyze student’s assessment data to benefit their students learning and as a reflection tool. While completing those observations next year I will develop my checklist of the necessary items needed to create a technology enriched classroom. I have begun emailing the other seventh grade science teachers in our districts to learn how they integrate technology into our curriculum. I have also begun compiling online resources to assist in my classroom’s transition. This link is to a blog that focuses on technology rich classrooms:

My second goal: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

  • I have two more classes to complete after this class to earn my Master’s degree. I have met with our school’s technology director and set up a meeting during our work days before school officially starts. During that meeting we will discuss the technology available at our school and I can receive brief trainings on the equipment that I have not used in my classroom before. I am going to spend time during June and July researching professional technology conferences that occur during the beginning of the school year. My goal is to be able to attend at least one conference focusing on integrating technology next school year.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  1. Sara,

    I think it's great you are going into all these clases to see how they each will use technology and digital tools in their classroom. I believe you'll learn a lot by doing this. However, are you going to go during your prep time or combine classes together to see how it works?


  2. Matt,

    Thanks for your encouragement. I do think I will learn a lot of visiting a variety of teachers of different subjects classrooms. I am going to try and do the majority of my observations during my planning time or combining classes together during our enrichment period.


  3. Sara,

    It's nice to see that you are being proactive in regards to setting up your classroom for technology. Planning ahead of time will make it much easier for you come September. I feel that one of the best ways that you are accomplishing your goals is to observe other teachers that are proficient with integrating technology. This will give you a 'real" look at how it is used in the classroom. best of luck to you next year!

  4. I am very excited to hear your comments and thoughts about the use of the Ipod Touch in the classroom. I think that any time that teachers can utilize not only technology, but current and relevant technology can make learning a more engaging process. The way that you are going out and finding teacher leaders and other leaders with educational technology is to be commended. Have you thought about having some of those teachers who you asked to observe to come and see your classroom and offer advice? It might be a good idea to not only take ideas from them but allow them the opportunity to give you suggestions on what you can do with the setting and resources you have available to you right now.

    -Nick Zomer

  5. Nick,

    I am too excited to see how the iPod Touch is used in a classroom setting. I like you suggestion of having the teachers I observe come and observe my classroom and offer suggestions. I had not thought of that and it is a great idea.

  6. Sara,
    Sounds like you have a lot of meetings and training that you will be attending that is great. Do you have certain questions or concerns jotted down when meeting with the different teachers?
